A Request

I know things are hard right now, and that the economy sucks. But this emergency oral surgery has kicked me while I’m down, and I want to ask for some help getting back up.

Since I just started working again a month ago, I don’t have dental insurance right now. Unfortunately, that means that these extractions (I actually had 2 teeth removed, numbers 15 and 18) have cost me approximately $1040 out of pocket.

I hate asking for this, but if you have a few minutes to check for my eBay listings (I’m going to relist a thing or two tonight) or my ArtFire shop, it would be greatly appreciated. As for ArtFire, yes, I can do custom work, in particular on the woven bead bracelets, and it would give me something to do while I’m stuck at home recovering this week. I still have my blog sale items, too; every little bit helps me out.

Edit: as much as I struggled with the idea, I broke down and created a ChipIn account; as always, every bit helps.

~ by shatteredshards on May 23, 2011.

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